Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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ya twenty thousand light cavalry tactics of harassment restraining the exercise to exercise this kid is not Eagles after the storm baptism is always difficult to soar in the blue sky. the Chur multirate 30,000 armored cavalry from the right breakthrough Geya led thirty thousand light cavalry with the Cours multi offensive, with a view to quickly open the gap in the enemy reinforcements yet to come prior to annihilate the right-wing enemy main force. The Tanghe Empire's Army is the main in the middle of the Shuai Zhang in the barracks, brightly lit, Stuart Mingzhi sitting in the middle of the tiger in the big chair, the deputy commander Singh, sitting beside him,north face products, heads of divisions of other ministries sat around, dispatched. enemy estimated loss of more than three thousand people are light cavalry,nike air max lebron vii, they did not take advantage, on the whole achieved the anticipated goal tomorrow is estimated that the enemy heavy cavalry will be dispatched to the ministries to be stepped up security, investment and the Marines want to configure a reasonable maximize its power. sitting you still have questions, can now propose to discuss.
Force to attack the right wing, and whether to deploy part of the heavy infantry to the right to assist us in defense? observed one day to say it's first of the Stuart Mingzhi finally made a decision.
Teacher, head of the Second Corps obviously would like to further efforts, but see the Zhenguo the face has clearly showing the look of impatience, had to turn to the mouth and swallowed back.

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